Monday, 27 July 2009

Love Is A Verb

A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were talking about what love is. He was worried that you fall in love and then one day the feeling may die and what do you do then? At the same time he quoted Stephen R. Covey who said that love is a verb and in order to love someone you have to perform acts of love. I was reading some cool quotes one time and one of them said that ‘we build up courage by doing things that require courage’. Similarly, I think we develop a deep love for someone by doing things that require love. In other words, instead of doing something for someone because we feel love for them, we do something for them in order to feel the love. In that sense Love IS a verb. So I thought I’d conduct a little experiment and do little things for him that will make me more in love with him. Reason being, I feel that he is a little more involved in the relationship than me and because I care about him and don’t want him to get discouraged I want to work on this. He had to work to gain my trust and to win me over in the first place so I think now it’s time he reap the rewards! (Not that I never showed him I care before...)

So I will try this and see how it feels… for me.