Thursday, 10 July 2008

If we were a movie...

I watched a film the other day, and it hit me again how movies are so much like real life. I mean, duh! They are about somebody’s life. The thing is that we watch movies, especially love stories, and we think, “That would never happen in real life. That would never happen to me.” But when I think about my own life I can just see how someone could make a movie based on it. Just start at any point in my life and tell one of the stories! It wouldn’t be boring, because it’s not as much what story you tell, it’s how you tell it. Plus, my life is really interesting! :-)
Then, I hear or even take part in other people’s stories and I’m blown away with how amazing they are, those people and their lives. Any of them, take your pick! A grannie selling junk in the marketplace; a school girl on a morning bus; a beggar sleeping on the steps of the Euston station. They’re everywhere. What are they thinking about? What do they wish for, dream about, remember? It’s fascinating. If you only use a little imagination and really listen, you will hear stories more exciting than books you read or films you watch, funnier than the sit coms, scarier than thrillers. You just have to know how to listen and ask the right questions. No life is ordinary; there is a story behind every face.
Or, I could make some part of my life into a story. Just make it up and make it happen. Then let life carry you on, because the best adventures happen when you’ve not panned them and it’s most interesting when it’s a surprise. For example, if I wanted to be a princess in a castle, sifting through crowds of admirers I could just come up with the craziest things to try out the guys who are interested in me. I could meet boys from far far away and see who cares enough to come see me all the way on the enchanted island of Great Britain! (That would be the last obstacle, as they would have to go through a very hard screening process first!) Or if I wanted to be a celebrity, I could do something to get on TV and then people would just love me because I’m so cute and smart and funny! :-) Or if I wanted to be a scientist, I could study really hard because I am smart enough... Just as long as I believe it can happen. There’s lots you can do, to make life your very own fairy tale. Maybe it’s silly and childish and naive but... I believe in Happy Endings. I believe that everything has it’s opposite and that no one can be unhappy forever. I believe people do change, I believe in their kindness and good will; I believe in love and inspiration, in miracles, in making a difference, in making the impossible happen. And I know that I’m never alone.


Jess said...

May I just say, I love this post. And, I couldn't agree more. A favorite movie line of mine, "there are a potpourri of possibilities." I like to apply that thought to life. There are so many things we can do and say to make life what we want it to be. And there are many things we can learn from all our different experiences. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.

How are you, by the way? Do you remember me? Hope and pray that all is well with you.