About a month ago I started on a new role and my colleague has recently asked me to write in our company newsletter about ‘Why I love my job?”. I did, but there were some things I wanted to say that would not have been approved by the editor. But I can still do it on here, can’t I? So here we go…
My role title is BSS. As you have probably guessed, it is an acronym. Notice how it’s not just BS (you know what that stands for), it is B-double-S. BSS. Does that mean we take a lot of BS from customers? or that we dish it out? Well, to be honest, it’s a balanced relationship. Very balanced. The more we get, the more we give.
Ok, now I'm making it sound like we’re a bunch of meanies over here. We’re really not, in fact we’re very nice to everyone. After all, we have to provide good customer service, right? But c’mon, if a customer sends you a little accident report saying the sun is shining through the window at a certain time of the day and giving them a headache? (which means they cannot carry on wrking) BS. Or that the noise outside is just too much to take? BS. Or when one calls you and says it’s 16 degrees (too cold) when it is in fact 20? BS. Or when… no, that’s enough. I was supposed to talk about why I like my job.
But let’s first decide if I actually do like my job. I mean, after all, it’s not that well paid, it’s a lot of stress (and BS), I haven’t been trained properly (which means I HAVE to BS my way through), I’m stuck in an office for 8.5 hours a day, I haven’t even got a desk or a drawer to put my stuff in and I have been living off a crate for the past month. Sounds like crap? I agree.
But what I do like about it is this: I am very much a people person and who I work with is much more important to me than what I do. And here, I think I’m working within a great team. Not that there isn’t any crap going on, it wouldn’t be a team if there weren’t! But I like the fact that from day one everyone knew who I was. And that I know everyone. I’m not just a number, neither am I swamped with all these responsibilities I’m not ready to handle (yes, that has happened to me before), so most the time you will see me being all happy and chirpy, and smiling. Except for those days when I’m coming down with flu and somebody has just binned my food.
Now you see why I couldn't write all that in the company newsletter...
PS: BSS really stands for Business Service Support, which translates: an assistant to a facilities manager. The rest is true.